Worksheets Online

Hi everyone!

Now, all of the worksheets I have created for both Algebra and Math A2 are located on the Web. I have set up an account through DriveHQ... The information is sorted by class and then by unit. From the web, you will be able to download the worksheets in .doc (Microsoft Word) format. From your computer you will be able to print it out to fill it in or answer the questions directly on the .doc file and print it out after.

The links to the files are located on the top right side of this blog.... Make sure you click on the correct class... Algebra (periods 3 and 9) and Math A2 (periods 2, 6, and 7).

Please note, although most of the worksheets are located on the web... they are only the ones that Ms. Ihrig created. Sheets that are not included are quite obviously tests and quizzes and worksheets taken from other sources, as well as assignments completed from the text book. So... even if you did all of the worksheets located on the web, you would have only experienced about 60-70% of what was actually completed in class.... (because quizzes/tests are 25% of the grade and weekly points/participation are 20% of the grade). Still, it is a great resource if you have lost a specific sheet or forgot to pick it up on the way out of class.

Happy looking!

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